Photo taken in Cabo, Mexico

Photo taken in Cabo, Mexico

Exploring Truth - Women’s Spiritual Wellness Group

If you enjoy thought-provoking readings related to spirituality, are interested in authentic dialogue, establishing a spiritual practice, and learning strategies to quiet your mind, then this six-week discussion group may be for you. It will include a consolidation of immediately applicable ideas from Buddhism, neuroscience and western psychotherapy. All discussions will promote tolerance, responsibility and interfaith understanding. Topics may include: differences between Eastern and Western spirituality; research behind benefits of mindfulness meditation; practical strategies of Buddhist principles; brain chemistry and spiritual experience; what your difficult people can teach you; choosing peace over conflict; the pursuit of happiness. Articles from a wide range of sources will be provided and used as a catalyst for discussion. Materials by Pema Chodron, Sylvia Boorstein, Ram Dass, Sharon Salzberg, Thich Nhat Hanh and Jack Kornfield may be used in this discussion group.

Don’t turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place.
That’s where the light enters you